How to Use an Inhaler to Reduce Your Cough

How to Use an Inhaler to Reduce Your Cough

As we embark on the cyclical COVID/Flu/Cold season, it’s a good time to review how to use an inhaler properly to reduce the impact of a virus or other irritation within your lungs.

Healthcare providers prescribe inhalers for a variety of reasons. Anything that irritates the lungs may be a very good reason to have one: asthma, lung damage from smoking, viruses and bacteria. There are different medications delivered directly into the lungs via an inhaler. The two main types either open tight narrowed airways (Albuterol) or reduce inflammation and irritation (inhaled steroids).

The main problem that I witness in patients is how to use one properly to receive the benefits of the inhaled medication. A respiratory therapist provided me with some great tips to get the best benefits from the inhaled medicine.

First, it’s very important to use an aerochamber with the inhaler. It’s also known as a valve holding chamber or spacer and makes using an inhaler much easier and I highly recommend that you get one.

The following steps will help you get more medicine deeper into your lungs to relieve the tight feeling and annoying cough. 

  1. Shake the inhaler for 10 seconds. If its new or hasn’t been used for 1 to 2 weeks push a few puffs into the air.
  2. Place the inhaler into the aerochamber and your mouth around the mouthpiece.
  3. Take a deep breath, blow it out. As you inhale again (deeply) take a puff from the inhaler and hold your breath (if you can) for 10 seconds to allow the medicine to move deeper into your lungs.
  4. After the 10 second breath hold, slowly breathe in and out for 3 to 5 times. If you hear a whistle, you’re breathing too fast. Slow down until the sound stops.
  5. Don’t speak for 5 minutes to allow the medicine to move deeper into the lungs.
  6. After 5 minutes, you can take a second puff if ordered by your doctor. Repeat steps 2 through 5.

The first puff begins to open the airways which allows the medication from the second puff to go even deeper into your lungs. Follow your healthcare provider’s directions on what inhaler to use, how many puffs, when to use it, and how often to use your inhaler.

If you’re vulnerable to wheezing or have a tight cough an inhaler may be very helpful. You may be able to reduce the irritation in your lungs if you use it at the first sign of a cough.

Remember to describe any side effects with your healthcare provider. The American Lung Association has additional information.

God bless you as you navigate through this winter season.

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health (Psalm 41:3).


“How To Use a Metered-Dose Inhaler with a Valve Holding Chamber (Spacer),” The American Lung Association. 

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I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:

Vitamin D3 & K2: What You Should Know

Vitamin D3 & K2: What You Should Know

As we move into the Cold and Flu season, it’s important to review the relationship between Vitamin D3 supplements and the need to also take K2.

Vitamin D helps maintain good calcium levels in the blood needed for strong bones and other body functions. Importantly, the Vitamin D receptors are found in every immune cell of the body and thus play a powerful role in immunity. A recent study found that low levels of Vitamin D increase risk for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, TB and viral respiratory infections …most notably COVID-19. It’s also protective against hypertension, diabetes, cancer, dementia, and kidney disease.

However, too much Vitamin D may lead to high levels of calcium in the blood. This excess calcium may get deposited in the tissues where it doesn’t belong leading to hardening of the arteries or other problems. Vitamin K2 helps regulate where the excess calcium goes keeping it in the bones. While K2 may be increased through fermented foods, most of us don’t get enough.

Vitamin D levels can be measured, and you should ask your doctor to order a test. Blood levels between 40 to 60 ng./ml. have been shown to be most protective. Most people are well below these levels.

Increasingly, researchers are finding that Vitamin D3, K2 and calcium are needed for good health. They are inexpensive, easy to take, have minimal side effects with huge benefits but they can be dangerous in some conditions. Always speak to your healthcare provider before taking them. If you’re on blood thinners, it’s especially important because K2 supplements may increase blood clotting.

May you be blessed with good health this next Cold/Flu/COVID season.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you that you may be in good health,                                as it goes well with your soul. 3 john 1:2

Ogasawara et al. “The Effect of 1 Hydroxy Vitamin D Treatment in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Study” Clinical Nutrition, October 2023.

“What to Know about Vitamin K2 and It’s Health Benefits” Nutrition, Cleveland Clinic, March 9, 2023.

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If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:

Helping Kids (of all ages) Control Their Emotions

Helping Kids (of all ages) Control Their Emotions

If you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher, or childcare provider, effective discipline can be a challenge. Recently, I came across an amazing book that will help when dealing with an angry, frustrated, emotional child: The Whole Brainchild: 12 Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind (2011).

Siegel and Bryson describe the developing young brain and the reasons frustration leads to negative responses. Adults learn simple approaches to help the child gain control of their emotions to prevent outbursts. Admittedly, I was skeptical at first but frankly I’ve been stunned at how effective this approach works with my young grandchildren.

First, they explain that the child’s brain is divided into a bottom emotional center and a top cognitive or thinking part. Uncontrolled emotions and frustrations erupt from this bottom area. It takes the child some time for the cognitive, thinking center to figure out how to handle the negative emotion. The technique gives the child time to pause and think before they explode.

A 9-year-old is getting ready to get out of a boat with her grandparents. She is to remain seated until the lines are secured, etc. However, she is becoming very anxious to get out and help her grandfather, frustrated that she must wait until it’s safe. A rude, impatient, attitude is building with a disrespectful response coming.

Grandma: Sally…I know that you love helping Papa tie the lines and help him. You’re such a big help. I get that…but it isn’t safe for you yet. Do you think you could wait a few more minutes and as soon as Papa is ready you can go out and help him?

Sally: Ok Grandma… I’ll wait.

Her feelings and emotion were identified which gave her time to think more rationally and calm down. I wonder if children get frustrated because he or she can’t express those feelings fast enough. Soon it was safe for Sally to hop off the boat and work with her grandfather…no tantrum…a happy ending.

In retrospect this technique is a good one for adults as well. When we’re feeling those negative emotions erupting…pause…and take a moment to think about our response as well. It’s good advice for all of us and much better for our blood pressure.

So, the next time you feel a harmful eruption coming on…don’t just count to 10…count to 1,000!

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control (Proverbs 29:11).


Daniel Siegel & Tina Bryson, The Whole Brainchild: 12 Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind (2011), Bantam Books Trade Publishers: New York.

Jennie E. Johnson, Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce Your Risk for A Heart Attack and Stroke (2015).

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:

Palliative Care

Palliative Care

Recently, a wife shared a concern regarding her husband’s chronic headaches and suffering with end stage dementia. At times he didn’t recognize her. She believed that his physicians were fearful to treat the headaches and make the dementia worse. I shared information about a resource that few know much about: Palliative Care.

 Palliative Care resides within the Hospice system. Most people are fearful of Hospice as a last resort. However, palliative care is incredibly helpful for people suffering from chronic pain, disability, or dementia in the last chapter of their life. A nurse visits the patient monthly to review medications and treatments with the goal to relieve pain and suffering. Generally, a physician is involved in the treatment as well.

 Personally, we utilized palliative care for a year before my mom went to Heaven. Mom was in an assisted living environment receiving excellent care. But she had moments of severe agitation, which raised her blood pressure to dangerous levels. She refused to take any meds to help lower it and calm her down.

 The palliative nurse provided ideas that allowed for a much better quality of life. The staff could apply a small dose of a tranquilizer to her skin during the agitated moments. The probiotic Kefir milk helped to reduce her chronic diarrhea. During a mentally clear moment, a discussion was held with Mom and my siblings regarding her wishes if her condition deteriorated.

 She fell at 4 am resulting in a serious hip fracture. The Palliative nurse was at the center when I arrived. Mom was still on the floor awaiting the ambulance.

 Astoundingly, Mom had a moment of clarity and refused the surgery. As a retired nurse, she knew how difficult it would have been with her compromised, frail condition and asked for Hospice instead. Her wishes were granted, and the nurse remained with us while she was transferred to the Hospice center.

 Finally, the wife (first story) contacted the local palliative team and was comforted that there was a solution for her husband’s terrible chronic headaches while he remained at home under his family’s tender care. The nurse will visit him monthly to ensure that he is comfortable in this last chapter of his life.

 With an aging population we will experience more situations like these. You can contact your local Palliative/Hospice center or Alzheimer’s Association for more information. Call your local church to find out about pastoral home visits that share the true peace of Jesus that passes all understanding. God bless you all.

 We cannot change the outcome, but we can affect the journey. Ann Richardson

 Reference: Palliative Care. Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:

Wildfire Season is Upon Us

Wildfire Season is Upon Us

The 4th of July is a great reminder of the blessings from our nation but also the beginning of Wildfire Season. Thunderstorms and unfortunately careless people can set a vulnerable forest a blaze. The smoke that results can be very harmful. If a wildfire is in your area; it’s important to understand three important levels!    

Level 1: Be Ready– which means a fire is in the vicinity; be ready if an evacuation order is issued.

Level 2: Be Set– the fire is close. Pack your things and be ready to get out immediately. Most people leave during this warning.

Level 3: Go – which means the fire is closing in on you and you must leave now while you have a chance. You may not get another one.

The American Red Cross opens shelters whenever an evacuation is ordered.

Wildfire smoke contains tiny hazardous materials which are easily inhaled. The EPA’s Air Quality Index will guide you regarding the safety of outdoor activities.      

0-50:    Good

51-100: Moderate (a few sensitive people may be impacted).

101-150: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (many more people may experience symptoms).

151-200: Unhealthy (almost all people will be somewhat impacted).

201-300: Very Unhealthy (all should reduce outdoor activity).

301-500: Hazardous (all should avoid outdoor activity).

In addition, be prepared and know how to protect yourself and your loved ones for any summer emergency: wildfires, tornados, hurricanes, water disasters, etc. Enjoy your summer.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

Wildfire Evacuation Levels Explained, Western Fire Chiefs Association, August 9, 2022,

EPA’s Air Quality Index,’s

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at: