The Power of Positivity
As we begin a new year and leave many of the challenges of 2022 behind, it may help to face 2023 with a more positive way of looking at the ones ahead of us.
Dr. Barbara Frederickson (renowned researcher on negative mood) wrote the book Positivity. She stated that reducing depression does not mean that one will be happy. Happiness is vague and elusive. Positivity is more realistic and doable. When a negative thought surfaces, it is more beneficial to replace it with 3 positive thoughts. In addition, for a balanced life people should include the following 10 concepts each day. I added a Christian perspective:
- Serenity – Spend 20 minutes each day deep breathing—relaxing and in prayer.
- Interest – Do something new and interesting to avoid the danger of boredom.
- Hope – Have the attitude that things will get better.
- Inspiration – Enjoy inspirational stories (Chicken Soup books).
- Awe – Appreciate nature – the beauty of God’s creation.
- Amusement – Laugh more.
- Gratitude – Be thankful for all your blessings—look for them.
- Joy – Remember times of joy and fun.
- Pride – Succeed in small accomplishments.
- Love – Treasure family, friends and the love of Jesus—seek out people.
I loved this story that she shared as well:
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Negativity. It’s anger, sadness, stress, contempt, disgust, fear, embarrassment, guilt, shame and hate. The other is Positivity. It’s joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and above all, love. The grandson asked which wolf wins? He answered…the one that you feed.”
Finally, the sermon topic this week was a reminder that challenges will always be a part of life but we’re not alone. God uses those opportunities for us to be a positive witness in a dark, negative world.
So, the next time that you encounter someone who holds an opposite point of view as you do…take a deep breath, say a quick prayer that our Lord will use you to His glory.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Barbara L. Fredrickson (2009) Positivity: Top Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio that Will Change your Life.
Jennie Johnson RN-BC,, PhD – Author of the following books:
Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)
Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)
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ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD
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