Ten Positive Ways for a More Peaceful Life

Ten Positive Ways for a More Peaceful Life

10 Ways for a More Peaceful Life


September 1, 2021, Jennie Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Living for a Healthy Heart, LLC

The COVID-19 Delta variant, a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, raging wildfires, rising inflation and a category 4 hurricane hitting oil rich Louisiana often results in negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, hot reactions to stress, overeating, etc. How can we cope with such overwhelming troubling news? How can we feel happy?

Dr. Barbara Frederickson (renowned researcher on negative mood) who wrote the book Positivity may have the answer. She stated that reducing depression does not mean that one will be happy. Happiness is vague and elusive. Positivity is more realistic and doable.

When a negative thought surfaces, it is more beneficial to replace it with 3 positive thoughts. In addition, for a balanced life people should include the following 10 concepts each day. I added a Christian perspective:

  • Serenity:  Spend 20 minutes each day deep breathing, relaxing and in prayer.
  • Interest:  Do something new and interesting to avoid the danger of boredom.
  • Hope:  Have the attitude that things will get better.
  • Inspiration:  Enjoy inspirational stories (Chicken Soup books).
  • Awe:  Enjoy nature-the beauty of God’s creation.
  • Amusement:  Laugh more.
  • Gratitude:  Be thankful for all of your blessings and look for them.
  • Joy:  Remember times of joy and fun.
  • Pride:  Succeed in small accomplishments.
  • Love:  Treasure family, friends, the love of Jesus and seek out people.

I loved this story that she shared as well:

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Negativity. It’s        anger, sadness, stress, contempt, disgust, fear, embarrassment, guilt, shame, and hate. The other is Positivity. It’s joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement,    inspiration, awe, and above all, love. The grandson asked which wolf wins? He    answered…the one that you feed.’

Try incorporating her 10 positive concepts each day as we all struggle together through these uncertain times. May they be a blessing for you as well.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12).

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I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

ã All rights reserved 2021, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD