Ivermectin: Potential Role in the Fight against Cancer
The purpose of this blog is to present information on topics that are under-reported in the news using an evidenced-based, scientific, approach to the content. Potential beneficial cutting edge but controversial information is a challenge to share. However, the reader can decide whether it is helpful or not.
The Controversy Over Ivermectin
When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out the rush was on to ascertain if there were any medications that had FDA approval and could help reduce the severity of the illness. A great deal of research had emerged that Ivermectin had anti-viral properties and could be helpful. Many doctors on the front lines treating patients were anxious to prescribe it but encountered multiple roadblocks. Some pharmacists refused to fill their prescriptions. Americans were told it was a horse dewormer not fit for human consumption. The truth was ambiguous and Ivermectin became a political football.
Repurposed Drugs
Repurposed drugs are developed and approved by the FDA for one use but later found to be helpful in other conditions. Aspirin is a great example which was first prescribed to reduce fever. Years later it was found to be an effective blood thinner by reducing platelets from forming blood clots during a heart attack or clotting stroke. In some people it can lead to bleeding which is why if it came on the market today it would probably be a prescription.
Sublingual nitroglycerin was first prescribed to treat angina or chest pain from narrowed arteries around the heart. Later it was learned it could also treat male impotence. Scientists are beginning to explore the repurposed benefits of Ivermectin to enhance immunity.
The Benefits of Ivermectin
Ivermectin was developed by Japanese researchers Satoshi Omura and Irish Researcher William C. Campbell, released by Merck and approved by the FDA in 1978 as an antiparasitic drug. Millions of people around the world have been safely treated for parasitic diseases such as river blindness, elephantiasis and scabies. The researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their discovery in 2015.
In addition to the antiviral and antiparasitic benefits of Ivermectin recently some oncologists are beginning to use it as an anti-cancer therapy in conjunction with traditional chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Ivermectin inhibits cancerous cell growth and enhances immunity to destroy cancerous cells. It’s been shown to be beneficial in breast, GI, urinary, blood, brain, respiratory and melanoma cancers. Currently, it is considered promising emerging research, but large randomized controlled trials are needed to verify effectiveness over time.
Side Effects
Ivermectin has been tolerated very well with minimal side effects by people of all ages around the world. Although rare dizziness, visual disturbances, joint pain, fever, swollen lymph glands and allergic reactions may occur.
Questions Remain
If it has such wonderful benefits, one wonders why there has been such resistance to prescribing it for other nonparasitic purposes? Interestingly, Ivermectin lost its patent in the 1990’s. It could now be made in a generic form significantly less expensive than its brand name patented drug.
Secondly, in order to get FDA approval for a new drug it’s tested in lab petri dishes, then in animals usually mice and then in people. Large randomized controlled clinical drug trials in people are needed to monitor for safety, effectiveness and potential side effects before FDA approval is granted. These are very expensive! There may be less motivation to run large clinical trials in cheaper generic repurposed drugs.
Most healthcare providers follow their national guidelines when making decisions to prescribe a medication. Without FDA approval it’s unlikely the repurposed drug will be included in those guidelines. Ivermectin needs large clinical trials using it as an antiviral or anticancer treatment in order to gain FDA approval.
Finally, compounding the problem is that some of the FDA members may have relationships with the very pharmaceutical companies whose drugs they are tasked to approve.
On A Personal Note:
In the summer of 2020, the Israelis released an important study that was overlooked by most media outlets. They examined 1,400 patients who had a COVID-19 blood test from February to April in 2020 and also had a Vitamin D level result in their chart. If the Vitamin D level was above 30 ng/ml only 10 % tested positive for COVID-19. However, if it was lower than 30 ng/ml 90% tested positive. Those who tested positive with low levels of Vitamin D and were over 50 years old were more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19.
This study should have immediately led to other research to confirm the validity of their findings. Governments around the world could have checked everyone’s Vitamin D blood level and encouraged healthcare providers to treat low levels to boost natural immunity. Vitamin D supplements are cheap!
Science is ever changing. It’s still unclear exactly the mechanism of how Ivermectin and Vitamin D enhance immunity. Certainly, more research is needed but what is available is encouraging. The National Institute of Health (NIH) needs to fund more research of repurposed drugs.
For now…do your own research. Boost your Vitamin D and get it tested to ensure the level is appropriate for you. The boost to your immunity will help whether you’re fighting a cold or cancer. Speak with your healthcare provider as some people must be careful when increasing Vitamin D. Keep your eyes and ears open for new information on Ivermectin. I’ve been following Dr. John Campbell Today and found his podcast information is evidenced-based, cutting edge and extremely helpful!
God bless you all as you deal with your own health issues. May they be small ones.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).
- Tang et al. “Ivermectin, A Potential Anticancer Drug Derived from an Antiparasitic Drug,” Pharmacological Research (September 21, 2020). https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7505114/pdf/main.pdf
“Ivermectin Systemic Adult Medication,” Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (January 1, 2022). https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/patient-education/medications/adult/ivermectin-systemic
- Lupkin, “A Look at How the Revolving Door Spins from the FDA to Industry,” Shots Health News from NPR (September 28, 206). https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/09/28/495694559/a-look-at-how-the-revolving-door-spins-from-fda-to-industry
Merzon, et al., “Low Plasma 25(OH) Vitamin D Level Is Associated with Increased Risk of COVID-19 Infection: An Israeli Population Based Study,” The FEBS Journal, July 23, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/febs.15495
Dr. John Campbell Today Podcast, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9IOB2TExg3QIBupFtBDxg
I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.
Beloved, I pray that all will go well with you and that you may be in good health,
Author of Wake UP Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for A Heart Attack and Stroke (2015) and Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022).
You may visit my website for additional information: jenniejohnsonrn.com
All rights reserved 2025, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD
Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at: ask@jenniejohnsonrn.com.
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