High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

Recently, the news was filled with a great deal of stress and sadness. It’s a good time to check your blood pressure. Adrenalin surges from stress damage the inside lining of the arteries leading to heart and kidney disease, strokes, blindness and dementia.  Most people can’t feel it!

You can tell how you’re handling stress by checking your blood pressure at home. I recommend an automatic blood pressure machine that fits around your arm and plugs into power. You can find one online or at any pharmacy.

First, create a log with columns for date, time, first and second set of numbers. It’s helpful to have a column for unusual events such as whether you were under stress, consumed a salty meal or alcohol.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. Anything higher than 130-139/80-89 is considered too high and begins to cause damage.

Sit in a chair with your back against it, feet on the floor and arm resting on a table. Sit quietly for 5 minutes than push the button. Record the blood pressure and pulse rate. Repeat the process in 3 minutes and record those numbers.

Do this in the morning before coffee or smoking and again at night before bed. It’s best to do this for 2 weeks, but one week will do. Give your doctor this information before each blood pressure follow-up visit.

If you’re having a stressful moment…stop and record the numbers. It will give you an indication of how your body is reacting to stress. Some people are fine until they are under stress. You may need a medication or lifestyle strategy to protect your heart during those bursts of adrenaline.

Eating a healthier diet lower in salt helps. The chemicals in fruits and vegetables naturally lower blood pressure. Exercise of any kind, reducing caffeine, smoking and weight also help.

Even if you do all these things your blood pressure may remain high. Your doctor may prescribe medications to protect your heart, brain and kidneys. Most have minimal if any side effects and are inexpensive.

Deep breathing and prayer help to put the fires out in an anxious heart. May God bless you as another day of traumatic news and daily annoyances may come upon us.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control (Proverbs 29:11).


“Monitoring your Blood Pressure at Home,” (2023), American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/understanding-blood-pressure-readings/monitoring-your-blood-pressure-at-home.

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If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at jenniejohnsonrn.com

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:  ask@jenniejohnsonrn.com.

Natural Immunity and Reinfection Rates for COVID-19

Natural Immunity and Reinfection Rates for COVID-19

The journal Lancet recently on 2/16 reported the results of a review study that examined the COVID-19 reinfection rates based on the four variant waves: Wuhan, Alpha, Delta and Omicron. Many ask, “How do I know which one I had?”

Wuhan exploded in March 2020, Alpha toward the end of 2020, Delta in early 2021, Omicron in early 2022

The study “Past SARS-Co-2 Infection Protection Against Re-infection: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis” examined 65 studies from 19 countries done between the initial outbreak through September 31, 2022.

It’s important to understand that a review is a summary of many studies. The researchers use statistical techniques to compare different methods. It’s like comparing apples to oranges to strawberries. They’re all fruit but each one has its own different characteristics. The review is important but not as accurate as looking at a single randomly controlled trial.

The researchers examined studies to determine if a previous COVID infection protected a person from a second one. They found that Natural Immunity reduced re-infection by: Wuhan, Alpha and Delta by 78.6% and Omicron by 36.1% after 40 weeks. They wondered if the highly contagious nature of the Omicron variant may have explained the lower effectiveness.

Further, the Natural immunity from a previous infection remained high after 40 weeks reducing severe disease for Wuhan, Alpha, and Delta by 90.2% and Omicron by 88.9%.

  Our analysis suggests that the level of protection from past infection by variant and          over time is at least equivalent if not greater than that provided by two-dose mRNA vaccines.

They called for healthcare providers and governments to reexamine the role that Natural Immunity plays in COVID-19 prevention strategies such as vaccines, therapies and protocols. May God bless them with wisdom to do so…

COVID-19 Forecasting Team, “Past SARS-Co-2 Infection Protection Against Re-infection: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis,” (February 16, 2023), Lancet. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext

Kathy Katella, “Omicron, Delta, Alpha and More: What to Know about Coronavirus Variants” (February 3, 2023), Yale Medicine. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/covid-19-variants-of-concern-omicron

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at jenniejohnsonrn.com

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale. Email me for details at:  ask@jenniejohnsonrn.com.

The Collapse of Damar Hamlin

The Collapse of Damar Hamlin

February 4, 2023, Jennie Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Living for a Healthy Heart, LLC

Recently the nation was shocked when a healthy elite professional football player collapsed during an NFL game into full cardiac arrest. Thankfully, he is recovering but questions remain regarding the cause.

While congenital abnormalities are certainly a possibility; it’s unlikely. NFL players undergo extensive medical screenings before signing with a team.

Some physicians have described his problem as Commotio Cordis which is a rare condition that usually occurs in young males with growing thinner chest walls who are under 20 years old with an average age of 15. Most commonly, either a small, sharp baseball, lacrosse ball, hockey puck or punch straight to the chest during a vulnerable part of the heart cycle disrupts the rhythm leading to a complete cardia arrest.  

Others have wondered whether he had a myocarditis secondary to a vaccine reaction or an aftermath of Long COVID? While COVID vaccines are no longer required by the NFL, 95 % of players have received it. No information was provided regarding his vaccination status. There has been an increase in myocarditis among young men around the world following a COVID vaccine.

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death. Complete rest is indicated while the inflammation subsides. It may occur with minimal symptoms which may explain the increase in sudden deaths that were observed around the world in 2022.

The symptoms of myocarditis are:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Hard, rapid or irregular heart beats
  • Dizziness
  • Flu like symptoms

Treatment for mild cases is rest and medications. More severe cases may require lifelong medications, implantable devices or surgery. Competitive sports or severe exertion should be avoided until the inflammation subsides.

Damar is a warning to all of us to take a moment during February Heart Month to examine how well we’re caring for our hearts. The American Heart Association and my book are a tremendous resource for more information, Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke.


Cleveland Clinic, “Commotio Cordis”, January 1, 2023 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24572-commotio-cordis.

Mike Gavin, Associated Press, “Latest NFL Rules on COVID, Fan Vaccinations Plus Cases”, August 3, 2022. https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/bears/latest-nfl-rules-covid-fan-vaccinations-and-positive-cases.

American Heart Association, “Myocarditis” September 27, 2022, https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/myocarditis.

Health Feedback, “What Can Explain the Excess Mortality in the US and Europe in 2022?” December 6, 2022. https://healthfeedback.org/what-can-explain-the-excess-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-europe-in-2022/

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

If you are a new reader, you may visit my website to sign up for future monthly blogs at jenniejohnsonrn.com

I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.

 ã All rights reserved 2023,

Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD Author of:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

Paperback copies of both books for sale at:  ask@jenniejohnsonrn.com.

The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

As we begin a new year and leave many of the challenges of 2022 behind, it may help to face 2023 with a more positive way of looking at the ones ahead of us.

Dr. Barbara Frederickson (renowned researcher on negative mood) wrote the book Positivity. She stated that reducing depression does not mean that one will be happy. Happiness is vague and elusive. Positivity is more realistic and doable. When a negative thought surfaces, it is more beneficial to replace it with 3 positive thoughts. In addition, for a balanced life people should include the following 10 concepts each day. I added a Christian perspective:


  • Serenity –       Spend 20 minutes each day deep breathing—relaxing and in prayer.
  • Interest –        Do something new and interesting to avoid the danger of boredom.
  • Hope –              Have the attitude that things will get better.
  • Inspiration –   Enjoy inspirational stories (Chicken Soup books).
  • Awe                Appreciate nature – the beauty of God’s creation.
  • Amusement – Laugh more.
  • Gratitude –      Be thankful for all your blessings—look for them.
  • Joy –                   Remember times of joy and fun.
  • Pride –               Succeed in small accomplishments.
  • Love –                Treasure family, friends and the love of Jesus—seek out people.

I loved this story that she shared as well:

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Negativity. It’s anger, sadness, stress, contempt, disgust, fear, embarrassment, guilt, shame and hate. The other is Positivity. It’s joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and above all, love. The grandson asked which wolf wins? He answered…the one that you feed.”

Finally, the sermon topic this week was a reminder that challenges will always be a part of life but we’re not alone. God uses those opportunities for us to be a positive witness in a dark, negative world.

So, the next time that you encounter someone who holds an opposite point of view as you do…take a deep breath, say a quick prayer that our Lord will use you to His glory.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Barbara L. Fredrickson (2009) Positivity: Top Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio that Will Change your Life.

Jennie Johnson RN-BC,, PhD  – Author of the following books:

Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015)

Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ (2022)

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Healthy Living through the Holidays

Healthy Living through the Holidays

Healthy Living Through the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time to offer thanks for many blessings, celebrate the birth of our Savior and ring in the New Year but it can also be a challenge on waistlines. Food and especially holiday food is certainly a wonderful gift from God. Here are a few things that you can do to navigate December safely.

  • Eat a healthy meal before you add the sweets.
  • Check out all the items on the buffet or at the party before you make a selection.
  • Don’t deny yourself but select small portions (bites) of the high caloric foods.
  • If you have a high caloric day, eat healthy the day before or the day after.
  • Walk more…it’s a great stress buster and improves mood.
  • Simplify your activities.
  • Get the same gift for everyone.
  • Call an old friend or check in on a lonely neighbor.
  • Take a moment each day to remember a very special miracle.

Jesus is the reason for the season.

Have a blessed Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31


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ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

The American Heart Association recently revamped its Life’s Simple 7 recommendations by adding sleep to what is now the Essential 8 lifestyles to prevent a heart attack and stroke.” Why? Researchers found that sleep provides important health benefits for a longer life.
The Essential 8
1.Eat a healthy diet. 
2. Increase physical activity.
3. Quit smoking and tobacco use.
4. Manage a healthy weight.
Maintain a normal glucose.
Maintain normal cholesterol values.
Maintain a normal blood pressure.
Get 7 to 9 hours (adults) & 8 to 16 hours (children and teens) of sleep each night.

4 Levels of Sleep
Stage 1 NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement).  1-5 minutes (Dozing off.)
Stage 2 NREM                                                  10-60 minutes (Brain activity slows.)
Stage 3 NREM                                                  20-40 minutes (Deep sleep).
Stage 4 REM                                                     10-60 minutes (Vivid dreams).

We move through these stages 4 to 6 times each night. During the last deeper stages hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are made. Blood pressure and heart rate decrease. Cognitive thinking and creativity are enhanced. Importantly, immunity to eliminate pathogens and abnormal cells is enhanced.

The Danger of Insomnia 

Sleep apnea or “not breathing” occurs as sleep progresses. The airway becomes blocked causing oxygen levels to plummet. The dangerous lower oxygen levels damage organs! The brain senses the problem and releases adrenalin to increase heart rate and blood pressure to awaken the person to resume breathing.

Unless the blockage is resolved the person will have continuous sleep interruptions all night never entering deeper beneficial sleep. In addition to organ damage, thinking, creativity, hormone production, glucose control and immunity will be reduced. Heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes may result.

If you suffer from insomnia, ask your doctor to find out if you have sleep apnea. Recently, my Sleep Study indicated dangerous, low oxygen levels throughout the night. Surprisingly, (I don’t snore) I was prescribed a CPAP machine to protect my heart. During the study while connected to a CPAP machine, I had the BEST sleep in years!

An excellent book by Matthew Walker is “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep & Dreams.” You can also visit the Sleep Foundation for more information.

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24


–Todd Neale, “AHA Revamps Life’s Simple 7, Adding Sleep to Create ‘Essential 8,” June 9, 2022.  https://www.tctmd.com/news/aha-revamps-lifes-simple-7-adding-sleep-create-essential-8.

–National Heart Lung & Blood Institute, “How Sleep Works, Why Is Sleep Important?” March 24, 2022.

–Eric Suni, “Stages of Sleep,” October 7, 2022, National Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/stages-of-sleep.

–Jay Summer, “What Is REM Sleep & How Much Do You Need?” April 26, 2022. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/stages-of-sleep/rem-sleep.


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ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

It’s Time to Gear Up for the Cold & Flu Season:

It’s Time to Gear Up for the Cold & Flu Season:

What To Do……………………

As the leaves begin to turn in October, it’s our reminder to get ready for the cold and flu season. Thankfully, the worst of COVID ended with the Omicron variants and blessings of natural herd immunity. Due to concerns over the COVID vaccines, many are opting out of the flu vaccine as well. Whether you decide to get the flu shot or not there are simple things that you can do to decrease your risk this season.

  1. Increase your Vitamin D3. During the summer, being outdoor raises it naturally through skin absorption but once days become shorter those levels plummet. The best way to know how much to take is to get a Vitamin D blood test and speak with your doctor. Experts vary on the correct amount Interestingly, some have called it the Low Vitamin D Season rather than the Cold/Flu season.

  1. Increase your Vitamin C intake through juice or citrus fruits.

  1. Go for a walk each day. Physical activity enhances immunity.

  1. Get a good night’s sleep. The body heals when in deep sleep. People should strive for 7 hours each night. If you don’t sleep well, ask your doctor for a Take Home Sleep Study test. It often identifies the problem.

  1. Keep busy! Volunteer at your local church or school. Teachers need the help. Children suffered from school closures. My neighbor is a kindergarten teacher who had 23 kids last year and NO aide. She spent most of her time teaching them preschool skills that they missed and regulating troublesome behavior.

While it’s certainly great being back with people; be mindful when flu outbreaks occur in your area. Consider avoiding crowds during those times and maintain good hand hygiene.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health,
as it goes well with your soul. 3 John 1:2


If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of new book: Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ

Monkeypox: How Dangerous is it?

Monkeypox: How Dangerous is it?

The new scourge to hit may be Monkeypox, but how dangerous is it? Recall that a plethora of viruses and bacteria are found throughout the earth; most do not cause disease. Monkeypox belongs in the family of viruses like Cowpox and Smallpox which were certainly much more deadly! 

Primarily it’s been infecting people in Nigeria and the Congo. Due to international travel, an outbreak occurred within a gay community of homosexual men in England and is now spreading to other countries. In June 1, 2022 there were minimal cases in the US. Currently there are 21,000 in the US with 0 deaths and 56,600 cases globally. 

It’s spread by direct contact with the lesions of an infected person, droplets exhaled or contact from infected drainage on materials such as linens.

COVID was much more contagious as the virus droplets were much smaller, airborne and could linger in the air for hours. Monkeypox droplets are heavier and fall to the floor. Close contact is needed to acquire the disease.

Common symptoms are chills (from fever), headache, back and joint pain, weakness, sore throat, other respiratory symptoms, itching and pain from the pox lesions.

The incubation period is 6 to 13 days from exposure. The rash appears 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. The rash begins as a raised reddened area much like a pimple. Over time it opens…drains, forms a scab and falls off.

The CDC recommends isolation from other people and pets (can also spread the disease) “from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed.” This may take between 2 and 4 weeks.

Children and unborn babies are at the greatest risk as they haven’t built immunity strong enough to fight it. However, most cases are currently in gay men.

In 1980 the World Health Organization stated that the deadly Smallpox disease had been irradicated. While the Smallpox vaccination program ended in the  US in 1971, it does provide some protection for those who were vaccinated. It is currently the vaccine being used to treat highly at-risk populations where Monkeypox is spreading.

The good news is that Monkeypox is a much milder disease than Smallpox, but it is spreading. Governments all over the world have stockpiled the Smallpox vaccine in case of a bioterrorism event. Time will tell if it will be utilized for Monkeypox.

A great place to go for current information that you can trust is from Dr. John Campbell at https://www.youtube.com/c/Campbellteaching/videos. The CDC has good information as well.

When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Luke 4:40


–CDC, Monkeypox, https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/about/faq.html#Basics

–CDC,  2022 Monkeypox Outbreak and Cases,  https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/response/2022/index.html

–Dr. John Campbell, videos https://www.youtube.com/c/Campbellteaching/videos

–CDC Smallpox https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/

–C. Henry Kempe, “The End of Routine Smallpox Vaccination in the United States” (1972), https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/49/4/489/47117/THE-END-OF-ROUTINE-SMALLPOX-VACCINATION-IN-THE?redirectedFrom=fulltext

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ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of new book: Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ

Is the Pandemic Finally Over?

Is the Pandemic Finally Over?

I apologize for not posting a July blog, but our family finally became ill with Covid (BA5 variant). It’s such a blessing that this variant is passing over all of us. Whether you’re vaccinated or not…you’ll probably get this milder COVID too. However, it’s a tremendous gift from God that is finally ending this 100-year pandemic by leaving powerful natural immunity in its wake.

I was asked recently “Will this ever end? We’ll just keep seeing one variant come after another.” It helps to understand the trajectory of corona viruses to understand why I’m so thankful.

First, there are many different types of viruses as there are bacteria. The common cold is a corona virus. Experts disagree whether the corona virus that caused COVID was altered in a lab or came from the natural world.

Once here it began to mutate or change. So far there have been 4 major changes: Wuhan—then Alpha—then Delta—then Omicron with 5 alterations. The Omicron BA5 is the most recent. Each change became less virulent yet more infective.

The Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines were designed to slow down virus replication from the first strain. They are less effective with the Omicron strains which explains why so many people are getting it despite being vaccinated.

You can tell which type of strain you received by a lab test or the date when you were infected. Currently, the CDC reports that 84% of COVID in the US is from the Omicron BA5 variant.

We were sick for 2 weeks with an overall unpleasant symptomology. My brother and I had a lingering cough while my husband had GI upset symptoms. The whole thing was annoying but certainly not as bad as it would have been with those initial outbreaks.

So be hopeful… Jesus has His healing hand upon us. It looks to me like so many of us are now getting it that we’ve reached herd immunity and life is returning to normal.

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. Psalm 30:2

In the next blog I’ll tackle the Monkey Pox virus.

Source: –“Monitoring Variant Proportions,” CDC, https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions.

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of new book: Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ

The Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge

Recall that studies completed all over the world have shown that 80% of all heart attacks and strokes could be prevented if people ate a healthier diet, managed a healthier weight, increased physical activity, quit smoking, controlled blood pressure, glucose and LDL (bad) cholesterol. This month I will write about successful weight management.

National statistics indicate that 73.6% of Americans are overweight while 41.9% of those are considered obese. Each year those numbers have been increasing to dangerous levels. Part of the problem is that restaurant portion sizes have increased dramatically along with waistlines. It’s estimated that one entrée is enough food for 2 or 3 people.

Many of us struggle with weight loss. We lose a few pounds for a short amount of time only to regain them. So, what works? Psychologist Brian Wansink PhD in his excellent book, Mindless Eating describes the simple strategies that are the most helpful. His famous quote is, “The best diet is the one that you don’t know you’re on.” I couldn’t agree more. I tell my patients, “Diet is a four-letter word!” Simple lifestyle changes do make a huge difference. The following top 10 tips are a combination taken from Dr. Wansink’s book and mine (Wake Up Call 911).

#10  Replace high caloric drinks with sparkling water and avoid artificial sweeteners.

#9    Remember that restaurant entrees are generally enough food to feed 2 to 3 people.

#8    When you’re hungry eat a palm size of nuts to stabilize your blood sugar.

#7    Use a smaller plate which will make you feel fuller and more satisfied to eat less.

#6    Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables.

#5    Add protein to every meal.

#4    Eat regular smaller meals.

#3    Keep junk food out of sight and better still out of the house!

#2    Don’t get discouraged if you have a bad day. Eat better the next.

And the #1 most important thing to remember when managing a healthy weight is…

Food is a gift from God. It’s meant to be enjoyed. Don’t deny yourself but eat very small amounts of high caloric sweets occasionally not daily. Life is filled with challenges. We all have them. Just take it one day at a time and pray for patience.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

In the next blog I’ll tackle exercise.


“Simple 7”, American Heart Association, https://www.heart.org/en/professional/workplace-health/lifes-simple-7.

Johnson, Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015).

–Arthur O’Connor, Study Details 30-Year Increase in Calorie Consumption (2004),  https://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/06/us/study-details-30-year-increase-in-calorie-consumption.html.

–Brian Wansink, Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Thank We Think (2007).

–Overweight and Obesity Facts, CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm.

If you found this blog helpful, please pass it on…

ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD

Author of new book: Helping the Hurting: Nursing Ministry in the Body of Christ