Living for a Healthy Heart, LLC

Each year many of us make New Year’s Resolutions only to find that by February they didn’t stick. What went wrong? Psychologists have done a great deal of research on this topic and may provide us with some answers.

Stages of Change (Dr. James Prochaska)

World renowned psychologist and researcher James Prochaska describes six stages that people move through on their way to positive behavior change. First, think of something that you would like to change and consider where you are on this path.

Stage 1 Precontemplation (I don’t want to or I’m not ready to change a harmful behavior.)

Stage 2 Contemplation (I’m thinking about changing a harmful behavior but I’m not ready yet.)

Stage 3 Preparation (I’m starting to take baby steps in making a change, but not committed.)

Stage 4 Action (I’m changing my harmful behavior.)

Stage 5 Maintenance (I’ve kept at it for over 6 months. It’s becoming a habit now.)

Stage 6 Relapse (I’ve slipped back to my old ways.)

What’s fascinating about these stages is that Prochaska found that only 20% of us are really ready to actively change a behavior. However, most healthcare providers give us messages that are designed for people in the action stage. Eat like a rabbit and aerobically exercise on most days of the week. While that advice absolutely works to improve our health; most of us are in the 80% non-action stages and aren’t ready to hear that message, let alone do it.

What does work…simple, small, doable, baby steps that you can do and be successful!

  • Add an apple to your diet each day.
  • Go for a short walk 5 minutes away from the house.
  • Use a smaller dinner plate.

If you try to do too much, too fast, you may fail which leads to a downward spiral of discouragement and despair. Rather, start slow, with small changes that are easier to do. They will lead to more confidence, a positive mental attitude and ultimately more behavior change.

In my book (endorsed by Dr. Prochaska), Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke, I describe these strategies in more detail. An eBook is available through or a paperback through my website.

God bless you with small changes that you can do on your journey toward better health.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Source: Prochaska, Norcross & DiClemente, Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits & Moving your Life Positively Forward (1994).

Johnson, Wake Up Call 911: It’s Time to Reduce your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke (2015).

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I’m a Christian nurse who helps people navigate the murky waters of healthcare.


ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD