Omicron COVID Update
Just a note about the Omicron COVID BA1 & BA2 variants sweeping the nation. The good news is that this may be the end of the pandemic. We certainly pray so…Europe and South Africa have been ahead of us, and it looks like a much milder disease for most, similar to a bad cold. The bad news is that it’s so contagious that everyone will probably get some form of it. The virus has found a way around both natural and vaccinated immunity, however, it will leave a stronger natural immunity in its wake.
If you get sick the following is a reminder of what to do to keep complications low.
#10. Recognize common Omicron symptoms (runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and cough).
#9. Some may have loss of smell and taste but it’s unlikely with the Omicron variant.
#8. Get tested. Check to be sure any home test is FDA approved and hasn’t expired.
#7. Quarantine for 5 days (first day of symptoms, positive test or exposure is Day 1) and then if symptom free wear an N95 or KN95 mask that fits your face well for the next 5 days (6 thru 10) when out and about. If you have glasses on you should not be able to see any fog. Adjust the nose piece for a tighter seal.
#6. Rest, save your energy to allow the white blood cells to kill the virus.
#5. Push fluids. Drink Ensure if you lose your appetite. The protein promotes healing.
#4. Take Vitamin D3, Zinc and Vitamin C to boost your immunity. Check doses with your pharmacist or healthcare provider.
#3. Use caution; once recovered your immunity may be low.
#2. Be vigilant; while Omicron is less severe you may feel quite uncomfortable for a few days while some may need hospitalized care. Seek early treatment for a worsening condition.
#1. And the #1 most important thing to do if you get sick with the Omicron Variant is…measure your oxygen levels! Call your doctor if you drop below 94%. If you don’t have a fingertip pulse oximeter, I would get one.
A good source for balanced, COVID information is Dr. John Campbell Today. He provides current data on COVID in Europe and in the US.
“Quarantine and Isolation,” CDC.gov. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html
“Pulse Oximetry,” American Lung Association. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-procedures-and-tests/pulse-oximetry
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1:2
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ã All rights reserved 2022, Jennie E. Johnson, RN-BC, PhD
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